Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture employs the use of thin, sterile single use needles carefully placed into specific areas of the body. Because the needles don’t carry a fluid, like when you give blood or receive an injection, people usually report feeling minimal pain as the needle is inserted. The needles are guided to a point that produces a sensation of tingling, pressure or ache, and sometimes a muscle twitch. These sensations are called De qi and are integral to the effectiveness of the treatment. Patients often report a great sense of relaxation during and after the treatment. However, it sometimes takes a few sessions to be able to soften and let go during a session if you’re feeling particularly anxious, stressed or tense.
What’s an acupuncture visit like?
Your first session is 90 minutes long. To lay a strong foundation for our work together, we’ll start by discussing your current concerns and medical history. That time is important so we can build a complete picture of what’s going on with you, how you got here, and what can be done to help you improve.
If you are just wanting treatment for something like a stiff neck or sore lower back and don’t want to do a deep dive into things, that’s okay - we can have a shorter intake and focus more on treatment. However, some questions are necessary for a proper TCM pattern differentiation and diagnosis.
Once you are comfortable on the table, I’ll spend time either taking your pulse, palpating your back, abdomen, or specific area of concern. At this point, I will ‘go quiet’ and only check in with you about what I’m finding. Once your personalized acupuncture points are chosen and inserted, I’ll perform acupressure or scalp or foot massage before leaving you to rest. You won’t be alone for more than 10-15 minutes and if you are feeling anxious or nervous then I will be with you longer. Acupuncture has its own magic, and spending time in treatment by yourself can create something extra special.
You are your best and most influential ally when it comes to your own health. With the right information you can do more for your own wellness than I ever could, so one of my goals is to provide you with the information and tools you need to support yourself outside of our time together. After your first session, I’ll send a follow up email with all the important points we discussed.
That said, I know that sometimes just showing up for treatments is all you can manage. I get it, and will never judge or shame you for not doing any of the things I’ve suggested. When you feel better, you’ll be able to do better.
What about the after party?
The healing effects of treatments can continue throughout the following 3-4 days. Giving yourself space to hydrate, rest, and breathe post treatment will result in the best possible outcome. The treatment will have positive benefits regardless, but protecting your investment by aligning yourself with nourishing thoughts and actions is ideal
Conditions Treated
Musculoskeletal pain including lower back, neck and shoulders
Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
Chronic pain
New Patient Appointments
A comprehensive intake is completed, along with a traditional tongue and pulse diagnosis. All health systems are questioned as Chinese Medicine looks for patterns when creating treatment protocols.
After the intake is finished, the appointment includes acupuncture, cupping and acupressure, as well as some initial diet and lifestyle suggestions. Depending on the length of the intake and case complexity, Chinese Medicinals may be recommended.
Menstrual disorders
Pregnancy including cervical ripening
Labour induction
Post Partum care
Digestion disorders
Follow-up Appointments
60, 75 or 90 MINUTES
Acupuncture follow-up includes a review of all pertinent signs and symptoms, tongue and pulse diagnosis, plus treatment. If you haven’t returned for treatment in 2 years, please schedule a new patient visit.